Top 7 Fitness Techniques | No Gym – Full Body Workout At Home | Get Body in Shape

Burn Your Body Fat – Get Aligned Body just by doing the workout at home. “ Body Workout ” referred to an exercise of Whole-body in which every muscle of the body holds some pressure mainly called Muscles' Contraction. In a full-body workout, every major muscle/tissue of the body e.g Chest , Abs , Arms , and Hamstrings , etc. engage to pull weight. This allows the body to gain “ Maximal Muscles Contraction ” with the goal to get the body in proper shape. But the question is: Is it necessary to go Gym for 2 to 3 hours daily to get Proper Body Shape? The answer is No ! You can easily transform your Body into Good Shape just by doing 10 special Fitness Techniques at your Home. However, to get the maximum benefits from the Body workout at home, you need to adequately target all the major muscles in such a balanced manner that the Muscle could Grow and Strengthen proportionately. Although , Home Workout is quite easy and worthy; the same as a workout at Gym, but...

Unusual and Unique Body Features | Genetic Characteristics

Unusual and Unique Body Features | InformationPeaks

“Superheroes” or “Super-humans” are born with diversity, and unique genetic traits that make them stand out of the crowd. So can we call them “Special”?

Do you hold something really unique in You? Or thinks that uniqueness in human beings really exists?  Nature claims that; Yes Uniqueness in Human Beings exists.

Humans are amazing and incredible creatures of “God”. Everyone is different in this world, no two people the same. But everyone has something special in him/her which makes that person special and Unique. We usually talk about the special soul and personality but there are also many people in this amazing world who have unique body features. And truly, they are God Gifted.

As unique as we are, we share so many Traits, characteristics, and features in common. There are some traits, however, that only a small fraction of the population share.

Just check out the Amazing Genetic Mutations | You Will Really Amazed:

Ulnar Dimelia | Hand with 7 Fingers

Ulnar Dimelia” is a rare congenital anomaly where the Thumb is absent from the hand, duplication of the ulna and there are 7 to 8 fingers in the hand.

Ulnar Dimelia | 7 Fingers in Hand | Information Peaks

“Nevaeh Colomba”; an 8-month of a baby girl holds this special body feature with seven (7) fingers in her left hand. This type of body condition is often referred to as “Mirror Hand Syndrome”. Ulnar Dimelia is so rare that approximately 100 cases have been reported in the whole medical literature.

Natural Elf Ears | Pointed Shaped Ear

Stahl's Ear deformity consists of a Pointed Ear Shape with an extra cartilage fold in the Scapha portion of the ear.


A Girl in North America has the special Body feature “Stahl’s Ears” that make her more beautiful. Pointed Ear Shape is not rare in the world, but it could be said that 15 percent of people of the whole world's population would have Pointed Ear.

Macular Pucker – Scar Tissue | A Scar in Eye

Macular pucker is a scar tissue that formed in the eye's macula which is located in the retina.

Macular Pucker | A Scar in Eye | Information_Peaks

No, this photo isn’t edited. The person really has a scar in his eye. This is a unique type of eyes that makes an eye more attractive and glorious. But this scar tissue can cause blurred and distorted vision. The scar in the eye is special in nature that only a few people have this unique feature.

Sectoral Heterochromia | Two Color Eye

“Sectoral Heterochromia” a difference in coloration in the Iris; when the color of the part of Iris is different from its remainder.

2 Eye Color | Information Peaks

As shown in the photo, the eyeball of this boy contained two different colors. Sectoral Heterochromia is usually uncommon; mean unique in nature, occurring in less than 1% of the population. It may be inherited, or caused by Genetic Mosaicism, Disease, Chimerism, or Injury.

Cleft Hand | Hand with only 3 Fingers

Cleft Hand” also known as Split Hand, fairly occurs when the middle portion of the hand develops abnormally.

                                              Cleft Hand | 3 Fingers Hand | InformationPeaks

In this picture, a person has only 3 Fingers in the hand. The Right Pinky and Thumb are missing from the hand that is really a most unique feature of a body. There are very rare people in the world whose body has such a diversified body feature from the others.

Five Fingers – No Thumb in the Hand

The person in the photo above has all five functioning fingers except for one peculiarity - there's no thumb on the hand.


This malformation is referred to as a triphalangeal thumb where the thumb has three phalanges instead of two. It can be treated with reconstructive surgery by reshaping the finger so that it would operate like a thumb. It is estimated that approximately one in 25,000 children is born with the condition.

Do you have one of these Rare Traits? Tell us in Comment Section


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